
Article #2

Jakes Daily Gazette

Tuesday 7/13

Our Bike Trip to Troy: A Story in Three Voices

Ben:I wanted to go for a bike ride earlier in the morning to miss the heat of the day. I was ready to go, but June was still in her pajamas reading a book. Jake was feeling better, but he didn’t want to go. When it was time to go, Jake decided he wanted to go. We got the bikes ready by filling up tires and adjusting gears.  We left. The plan was only to go to Joel (about 6.5 miles from Troy) because Jake hadn’t been feeling well. 

Jake:When we stopped to get water and a little snack, we asked Dad if we could go farther than just Joel. He said yes, but I was the canary–I had to make the decision. I said “let’s keep going a little longer past Joel.” We kept going until eventually we got to a really sunny area on the path. After we did that for a couple of miles, we got to an underpass. 

Ben: Once we hit the underpass, we were more than halfway to Troy. It was all downhill or flat, and really shady until Troy. 
Jake: Then, at some point on the path, I believe it was when we got to the top of the summit in a forest area, June started to lead us down a hill down to Troy.

June:Once we passed the underpass, it was smooth coasting until we hit Troy. It was really beautiful where we were biking: I saw a lot of trees and I saw a chipmunk or two and I heard birds chirping. We knew we were starting to get close to Troy when it was super downhill. When I saw the gas station, I looked at Jake and I smiled really big because we had been working really hard to get to Troy. I zoomed down the hill and I stopped in a parking lot with a playground next to it. 

Jake:So, after we got to Troy we stopped on our bikes. We sat in the parking lot while dad refilled the water bottles for the ride home. We took our picture at the Welcome to Troy sign. Dad started to lead back up hill until the summit, which was really just the same as going downhill, except back up. 

Ben:A little more than two miles out of Troy, there is a summit sign that was there for the trains. That is the big climb out of Troy. After that, it was smooth sailing.

Jake:I started to lead going downhill. It was really hot, but the wind in your face felt cool and really good. We crossed an arched bridge and then we were going back to the underpass. It was really hot. We had to go uphill again.

June:After the underpass, we had a bit of a hill and we went back downhill again. Until we had to stop.

Jake:We had to stop at the bike repair site to fix my bike. 

Ben: On the way to Troy, we had to stop, too, right after Joel to fix Jake’s tire: it was facing sideways!

Jake:The second time we fixed my bike we were coming back from Troy. We had to make my seat taller because my knees were coming too high. We got to Joel for a short water break. 

Ben:There were lots of water breaks. 

Jake: It was hot. We went up a really steep hill. June and I took turns leading the rest of the way home. I was hot, tired, and exhausted when we got home. 

June:When we got to Joel the second time: then came the hard part. We had to go up the slightest hill, but there was no shade–just beating down the sun. That was one of the hardest parts of the trail. After that though is a downhill section that you want to catch as much speed as you can on. So you can get up the really steep hill to the bench where we sit in the shade. 

Jake: When we got home, we had lunch. Then we laid on the couch and watched a show. 

Jake: 10/10 stars, even the miserability, because it was really miserable

June: 10/10 for views and all that, but 5/10 for all of the exhaustion it
gave me

Ben: 7/10 because my compatriots were relatively slow 

P.S. June ran over a snake and then squealed and put her feet on her chest.
Game Night!

Last night we had a very fun Game night with an escape room that is called “The Dungeon” We started and finished the first adventure. It was super fun.
I won’t spoil the game for you but it is one of the most amazing games I have ever played. 
I hope that you try it out and see how it is!

Yesterday I encountered a thinking Lenoard. Leonard is a lion with a green mane and glasses. He said that he wanted to explore other islands.
Goodbye Lenoard!
Knee Interview

I just had an interview with someone named Benjamin Kirchmeier, who got a knee check-up. And he had a knee replacement. It was in January.
This was his six-month check-up. A doctor made him lay down on a table and made sure that when he moved the knee around that it wasn’t grinding or anything. 
Then he had a third knee x-ray. He had to wear a lead belt around his waist. 
And the doctor needed to see the knee part to make sure that the bone was growing around it and healing. It was growing around it and healing. 
That was the interview. 
Here are his X-Rays: